New Efficient Oil Heating Systems: Lower Fuel Consumption & Better Comfort

image of efficiency rating of a variable-speed home heating system

Many technological advances have been made when it comes to home heating systems, with each one having a positive impact on households across the US. Therefore, now is a good time to get an upgrade as new heating systems perform better than old ones. After all, HVAC manufacturers have made efficiency their focus these past few decades, with their efforts producing outstanding results. The most efficient oil heating system provides homeowners with more comfort even on the coldest days of the year. They will also notice a decrease in fuel consumption as modern heating systems provide more heat while using less oil.

This article discusses all you need to know as to why these changes are beneficial.

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The Higher Efficiency Of New Heating Oil Systems

Consider an HVAC replacement if your heating oil system is old and outdated. A new oil heat system is a valuable investment as it can provide a lot of benefits to your household. They have up to 98% efficiency ratings, so less energy is wasted. Fuel savings will also be as high as 48%, thanks to lower consumption.

New oil boilers are equipped with energy-saving controls, so fuel usage decreases by 10% while producing more heat. New oil furnaces also contain variable-speed motors, which use 80% less electricity than fixed-speed motors. Heating oil has been improved as well, with blends that have higher efficiency and a cleaner burn.

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Modern Innovations Behind Oil-Heat Efficiency Improvements

image of a hvac contractor installing a heating oil furnace with higher efficiency

Here are some of the innovations that resulted in improvements in heating oil system efficiency:

Lighter Heat Exchangers

Check the list of features of the oil furnace when searching for a replacement. This way, you’ll know if it has several of the most outstanding innovations that enhance efficiency. Lighter heat exchangers are one of these. This component’s job is to move heat from the combustion fuel to the air. A lighter heat exchanger means that heat is transferred more effectively than when it had a heavier construction.

Electronic Ignition Systems

Older furnaces typically have a standing pilot light. However, modern standards consider this an obsolete feature. A better alternative is an electronic ignition because it requires less energy and only utilizes power when needed.

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Sealed Combustion Chambers

Atmospheric combustion chambers that are typically found in older furnaces are open to the home. Hence, they tend to lose heat as time passes. New furnaces are equipped with sealed combustion systems that allow them to acquire air from a PVC pipe. This way, it retains heat better, and the household is safer.

Two-Stage Oil Furnaces

Burners of old furnaces can only be either OFF or ON. They operate at maximum capacity when in their ON state. On the other hand, new furnaces contain several states, so they can work at a lower capacity for higher energy savings. It assists in distributing heat around your house evenly as well.

Variable-Speed Fans

Newer furnaces have variable-speed fans. This feature is valuable because you don’t always need them to work at full speed. You can reduce the energy use of your furnace when you lower the settings.


Incredible Benefits of High-Efficiency Oil Furnace Upgrades

Here are the advantages you’ll get when you replace your old furnace with a high-efficiency oil heater:

Greater Equipment Longevity

New heating oil systems have longer lifespans than older ones. They have innovative features that let the system cycle on and off when needed, reducing energy consumption. It pushes efficiency higher and allows the system to rest more. This also lessens the wear and tear while increasing its service life. New systems also have a feature wherein they can eliminate moisture and shake off chemical buildups, further boosting their lifespan. It also gives families a healthier environment.

Lower Utility Bills

Smiling couple calculating energy savings with a new efficient oil heating system

Many homeowners wait to buy a new furnace due to the high initial price. They think that keeping their old heating system saves them money. However, these inefficient furnaces only cause higher bills. A heating system replacement helps save money as it lowers your energy costs. After a few years, the savings will pay for the upgrade. Old systems typically have an annual fuel utilization efficiency rating (AFUE) of around 65%, while new systems can have up to 98%.

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Reduced Environmental Impact

A heating system upgrade means you’ll have a remarkable drop in fuel consumption. Some homeowners will notice that they only use up a third of their typical fuel amount as new systems generate ample heat using very little energy. Aside from your household budget, the environment also greatly benefits when you switch to a new system. Highly efficient systems help conserve natural resources and have fewer carbon emissions. Therefore, go for a newer system if you want a greener home. Some regions also offer tax credits to homeowners when they choose to have energy-efficient HVAC systems.

Less HVAC Maintenance Stress

Older systems begin to fail after using them for ten or more years. Hence, you need to be mindful of their upkeep to ensure that they continue operating as they should. You might also have to spend money on heating system repairs more frequently. Upgrade to a new system to avoid all this furnace-related stress.

Better Heat Distribution

A problem many large homes experience is uneven heat distribution. This means that some rooms are hotter than others, which can be an issue for the household. With a new heating oil system, heat is distributed evenly so everyone can be comfortable even during the coldest days of the year. Air will flow consistently, and you’ll have more manageable home temperatures.

Higher Home Value

A modern heating oil system in your home will instantly increase its value. Buyers know the benefits it brings, so they are willing to spend more on the property.

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Homeowners can install smart or programmable thermostats and schedule yearly HVAC maintenance to ensure energy efficiency in their homes. However, switching to a modern energy-efficient oil-heat system will have the most significant impact. You will receive all the benefits mentioned above when you get an upgrade. Consult your local HVAC technician today for the best guidance regarding system selection and financial assistance.

Call McAllister Energy For All Your Home Heating Needs

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For all your HVAC and oil delivery needs, contact McAllister Energy. We have some of the most highly qualified and professionally certified technicians in Camden County, New Jersey. Each of our friendly techs can conduct all kinds of HVAC services, such as oil tank upgrades, boiler repair, ductless installations, furnace replacements, and more. We have various oil delivery plans and financing options. This way, you can customize your fuel deliveries to meet your needs. Our oil delivery and HVAC services are affordable and are done accurately and promptly at all times.

All of our services come with a guarantee. Our HVAC maintenance services improve your energy efficiency and home comfort while decreasing your HVAC costs. We can also assist you when you need to replace your heating and cooling system. We will help find the best make and model for your home without sacrificing your budget. Our experts have the skills, training, and experience to ensure that all your home comfort needs are met. Book an appointment with us today. Call McAllister Energy for a free, in-home estimate.

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