oil furnace running but no heat

image of the word troubleshooting depicting a furnace blower keeps running but no heat

What To Do When Your Furnace Blower Keeps Running But No Heat

September 12, 2022

If your furnace is on, but it doesn’t seem to heat your home, you may or may not need to contact a professional. This is because some furnace problems are easy to fix, while others require technical know-how and specialized tools. This article discusses some troubleshooting steps you should take first.

homeowner feeling chilly due to furnace turning on but no heat

My Furnace Turns On But No Heat – Why?

February 14, 2022

When it’s cold outside, you turn the furnace on and wait for the air to heat up. This reliable system works like a charm, but what if it behaves differently? What if the furnace turns on yet you do not feel hot air coming out of the vents? Keep reading to find out.